The Alpha Male

The Alpha Male Who is he, and why do we care?

Who is the Alpha Male, and why do we care? Civilizations, Countries, Cities and Families depend on men fulfilling their identities as Alpha Males and thrive when they do.

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The Alpha Male John H. Ingle

- About the Book

The Alpha Male

by John H. Ingle

Who is the Alpha Male, and why do we care? Civilizations, Countries, Cities and Families depend on men fulfilling their identities as Alpha Males and thrive when they do.

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The Alpha Male

A Young Man’s Guide to the Big,

Wild World We Live In, and

A Young Wom­an’s Guide to Find­ing

The Real Al­pha Male

John H. In­gle

SpringSource Pub­lish­ing


Cop­y­right 2019 – John H. In­gle

All rights re­served. This book is pro­tected by the cop­y­right laws of the United States of Amer­i­ca. This book may not be cop­ied or re­printed for com­mer­cial gain or prof­it. The use of short quo­ta­tions or oc­ca­sion­al page cop­y­ing for per­son­al or group study is permitted and en­cour­aged. Per­mis­sion will be granted upon re­quest. Un­less oth­er­wise not­ed, Scrip­ture quo­ta­tions are from the NIV Study Bi­ble Cop­y­right 2011 by the Zondervan Cor­po­ra­tion. Used by per­mis­sion. Scrip­tures marked NRSV are tak­en from the New Re­vised Stand­ard Ver­sion Bi­ble, Cop­y­right 1989 Na­tion­al Coun­cil of the Churches of Christ in the United States of Amer­i­ca. Used by per­mis­sion. All rights re­served world­wide. Scrip­tures marked VOICE are tak­en from The Voice™. Cop­y­right 2012 by Ec­cle­sia Bi­ble So­ci­e­ty. Used by per­mis­sion. All rights re­served. Scrip­tures marked NKJV are tak­en from the New King James Ver­sion. Cop­y­right 1982 by Thom­as Nel­son. Used by per­mis­sion. All rights re­served. Any em­pha­sis with­in Scrip­ture quo­ta­tions is the au­thor’s own. Pro­nouns used in ref­er­ence to the Fa­ther, Son and Holy Spir­it are cap­i­tal­ized through­out this book.

Cov­er art “Pure Pas­sion” Cop­y­right 2012 by Esta In­gle, used with per­mis­sion.

SpringSource Pub­lish­ing, SpringSource Pro­duc­tions, LLC

A Tex­as-based Lim­it­ed Li­a­bil­i­ty Com­pa­ny, Bur­net, Tex­as

Printed in the United States of Amer­i­ca


ISBN-13: 978-1-7340348-2-0


I wrote this book in the style of a per­son­al con­ver­sa­tion be­tween me and oth­er men. I want to talk to you in the same way I would if we were sit­ting in a cof­fee shop with a light rain fall­ing, star­ing out the win­dow, watch­ing peo­ple and traf­fic, talk­ing about things that don’t get talked about when you’re shop­ping, surf­ing the internet, or text­ing.

Sev­er­al years back I was sweep­ing the ga­rage on a spring af­ter­noon. My youngest son, James, came by to talk. He was not quite twen­ty years old. I knew he had been go­ing through a rough patch in life with ca­reer de­ci­sions and love lost. He needed some ad­vice, and he was ready to hear it. I started talk­ing and when I stopped a cou­ple of hours lat­er I had spilled out the es­sen­tial prin­ci­ples of this book. I spoke as though I had re­hearsed it all but I’d nev­er had those spe­cif­ic thoughts or ide­as come to­geth­er be­fore. It just poured out. I felt like I had just been giv­en some­thing. We had a few more con­ver­sa­tions over the next week or so in which I elab­o­rat­ed on a few of the prin­ci­ples. Not long af­ter­wards, he came back by the house and told me that what I had told him changed his life. He said, “Dad, you should write a book.” I had to agree. This is that book. The pur­pose of it is not to give you a pile of rules to add to the pile of rules you al­ready have. Life will put moun­tains of cir­cum­stances and choices be­fore you. If you’ve re­ceived some good coun­sel about some of those choices al­ready, then you might stand a bet­ter chance of mak­ing a good choice. Choices have a way of com­ing at you fast, with lit­tle or no warn­ing. I want to stim­u­late your mind with a new way of look­ing at the world and your time in it. My de­sire for this book is that it will be good coun­sel. We’ve got a lot to cov­er. Let’s talk.

Chapter 1 – The Alpha Male

Think of the Al­pha Male in bi­ol­o­gy and the an­i­mal king­dom – you’ve prob­a­bly seen online na­ture vid­e­os and tel­e­vi­sion spe­cials of the fast, ag­gres­sive male pred­a­tor at­tack­ing a help­less food item, like a ga­zelle, sheep, or some oth­er tasty crea­ture. He co­mes in fast, with au­thor­i­ty and strength, and shows no fear. The se­lected food item be­comes din­ner, as planned. The Al­pha Male owns his ter­ri­to­ry. The lion lives in its pride. The fe­males go out in a group to kill for the pride, but the Al­pha Male lion is still the lead­er of the pride. Fish live in schools, and hip­pos and whales live in pods. Wolves live in packs. Man­kind was de­signed to live in families. The Al­pha Male, along with the ac­com­pa­ny­ing fe­male and the off­spring of their un­ion are the in­gre­di­ents of the fam­i­ly. These units of or­gan­i­za­tion are ge­net­i­cal­ly built into God’s de­sign for each of them. Each of the mem­bers of the hu­man fam­i­ly lives un­der the cov­er­ing and lead­er­ship of the Al­pha Male of that fam­i­ly unit.

When a young man which has been raised in that fam­i­ly has reached the age at which he is ready to take a mate, he will “leave his fa­ther and moth­er and be joined to his wife, and they shall be­come one flesh” (Gen­e­sis 2:24 NKJV). The fam­i­ly be­gins anew, with a new­ly minted Al­pha Male (we hope) to lead that fam­i­ly unit. The Al­pha Male is a lead­er in thought and in ac­tion. There is no Beta Male. The Beta Male is a myth and is not found with­in the spe­cies Homo sapiens. The myth­i­cal Beta Male is sup­pos­ed­ly not ever able to act as an Al­pha – a lead­er – and they must find an Al­pha Male to which they at­ta­ch them­selves as fol­low­ers. The truth is that there are Al­pha Ma­les, and not-yet-Al­pha Ma­les. God cre­at­ed men to be­come Al­pha Ma­les – eve­ry sin­gle one of them.

An un­for­tu­nate fact in our mod­ern cul­ture is that the term Al­pha Male is mis­tak­en­ly un­der­stood to re­fer to a pa­tri­ar­chal wife beat­er who spends the fam­i­ly gro­cery mon­ey on beer. In tan­dem with that no­tion we have cre­at­ed a syn­thet­ic Al­pha Male re­place­ment that is a to­tal im­post­er and looks noth­ing like what was cre­at­ed back at the be­gin­ning of man­kind.

Trendy mag­a­zines and websites try to sell the Al­pha Male as the life of the par­ty, drink­ing a par­tic­u­lar brand of beer, hand­some and smil­ing large­ly, with the girl (or girls) of his choice on his arm. He is not the Al­pha Male. The Al­pha Male is also not the gold chain-wear­ing, vi­o­lence-driv­en drug deal­er who sells lies and takes life. The real Al­pha Male is not the air­head met­ro-sex­u­al boy star­ing at you from the pages of a men’s fash­ion mag­a­zine. The real Al­pha Male is none of that. The real Al­pha Male is a spir­it­u­al be­ing that is the lead­er, pro­tec­tor of, and the pro­vid­er for his fam­i­ly unit. He is dom­i­nant in the ter­ri­to­ry of that fam­i­ly unit. The Al­pha Male is the man who knows who he is, who he was cre­at­ed to be, and is com­fort­a­ble in his own skin. He knows what he

wants, and why he wants it. He has a firm plan to get what he wants and needs, for him­self and his fam­i­ly. He is guid­ed by a sure knowl­edge of God and a re­la­tion­ship with God that pre­pares him for eve­ry­thing that’s com­ing his way. He has gifts and tal­ents from God that he uses to ac­com­plish what he needs to do, for him­self and his fam­i­ly. He fears only God. He knows that God is there and wants, very much, to con­tin­u­al­ly find and see God operating in his life. He wants to hear from God.

There is a se­vere short­age of Al­pha Ma­les in our world:


The world is dwindling away, for lack of men; the na­tions are per­ish­ing for scar­ci­ty of men, for the rare­ness of men...Do what you will: only from God you will get men. – French Cath­o­lic Car­di­nal Lou­is Pie from his 1871 Christ­mas hom­i­ly).


I think the Car­di­nal was a pret­ty sharp fel­low, and what he said rings true, across the boundaries and shack­les of time – “only from God will you get men.” Real men – not ac­tors, pos­ers, and wan­na-be’s. The bad news is the short­age prob­lem in our mod­ern cul­ture is de­cid­ed­ly worse than it was in the Car­di­nal’s day.

If you meas­ure your­self against oth­er men you may of­ten ei­ther feel lack­ing some­thing it seems eve­ry­one else has, or bad­ly in­formed. If you feel lack­ing, it may be be­cause some­one has put up a bet­ter dis­guise than you. Men are very tal­ent­ed at put­ting up dis­guises – out­ward ap­pear­ances. It’s prac­ti­cal­ly a na­tion­al pas­time. They get to­geth­er in groups to test out their dis­guises and show them off; es­pe­cial­ly if they hap­pen to think their cur­rent one is re­al­ly ef­fec­tive. Some peo­ple call that male bond­ing, but it’s usu­al­ly just a chance to pa­rade one’s lat­est dis­guise – men, be­ing pea­cocks.

Chapter 2 – What Do Women Want?

The great ques­tion that has nev­er been an­swered, and which I have not yet been able to an­swer, de­spite my thir­ty years of re­search into the fem­i­nine soul, is “What does a wom­an want?" – Sig­mund Freud


Mr. Freud would have done well to study more about the in­born make­up of wom­en and not so much about their out­ward man­ner­isms. With­out be­ing over­ly sim­plis­tic, some­where near the top, or at the top of that list is that real wom­en want an Al­pha Male for their mate. They are ge­net­i­cal­ly wired to seek him out and join with him. When they find him, they will usu­al­ly stick with him. If they thought they found him and were fooled by his dis­guise, they usu­al­ly won’t stick around be­yond that mo­ment, be­cause they have im­por­tant life-busi­ness to tend to. If they de­cide to stick around an­y­way, it may be be­cause they have ul­te­ri­or mo­tives that keep them there un­til that mo­tive is sat­is­fied or no long­er ex­ists. If she feels too fi­nan­cial­ly vul­ner­a­ble or has too many oth­er dis­trac­tions or threats in her life, she may put off leav­ing. A wise wom­an may also choose a man based on what she sees his po­ten­tial to be, con­fi­dent in his abil­i­ty to grow into an Al­pha Male. But, ul­ti­mate­ly, if she’s not with you as her Al­pha Male, or soon-to-be Al­pha Male, she is al­ready gone – you’re just wait­ing for the news. If she’s forced to stay, there is a se­ri­ous pen­al­ty to be paid for hold­ing her there.

Wom­en feel se­cure with an Al­pha Male. When big, bad things hit the fan, and life seems sud­den­ly very cheap, and very tem­po­rary, a wom­an im­me­di­ate­ly turns to look for her Al­pha Male. Her deep-seated ge­net­i­cal­ly-wired de­sire is that she al­ready knows where to find him, and that he’s al­ready com­ing to find her. She is look­ing for cov­er be­cause her DNA has wired her to sur­vive and look af­ter the sur­viv­al of their off­spring, wheth­er born yet, or en­sconced with­in the eggs she has car­ried since be­fore she was born. She has bi­o­log­i­cal im­per­a­tives that are so se­ri­ous­ly stamped into her DNA that you mess with those im­per­a­tives at your own per­il. When Sa­rah Palin talked about not mess­ing with mama grizzlies, she wasn’t try­ing to be cute – she was try­ing to in­tro­duce you to a pow­er­ful con­cept through a met­a­phor – a word pic­ture. I don’t know of an­y­thing more dan­ger­ous than a ful­ly formed moth­er pro­tect­ing her young. Just so you know, the ca­pac­i­ty is in there, you just may not have wit­nessed it yet. If you’re very for­tu­nate, you’ll nev­er see it. God made them that way, so don’t try to put some blame-thing on them for it. She is wired to seek out se­cu­ri­ty and sur­viv­al for her fam­i­ly. She is bless­ed with in­nate tal­ents to do that and do it well.


But, wom­en are more in­clined to val­ue safe­ty than men. Wom­en are not so well known for hav­ing said:


“Hey, let’s:

‘…set sail, an­y­way, that storm doesn’t look too bad;’


‘…ride that bull – it looks like fun;’


‘…jump out of that air­plane into the en­e­my’s back­yard;’


‘…catch that snake, and see if it’s poi­son­ous,’” and so on.


Giv­en that a lot men have died do­ing things like these, it seems rea­son­a­ble to con­sid­er that wom­en may even be more in­tel­li­gent in that re­gard. Their DNA isn’t quite so wired for that sort of view of life. Wom­en gen­er­al­ly don’t vol­un­teer for fac­ing death by knife fight in war­time, be­cause it’s not the way they’re wired. Dy­ing in a door-to-door gun bat­tle means that the po­ten­tial life with­in her also dies. Even in high­ly un­u­su­al na­tion­al cir­cum­stances, such as in the Is­rae­li De­fense Forc­es, only a few per­cent of the wom­en serv­ing op­er­ate in some ca­pac­i­ty that puts them near the front lines. But, they are not de­ployed in a man­ner that would de­lib­er­ate­ly ex­pose them to com­bat.

A wom­an serv­ing on the front lines in hand-to-hand com­bat is a raw con­tra­dic­tion in DNA wir­ing and phys­i­cal de­sign that is an aw­ful er­ror, meant only to gain po­lit­i­cal points for its phil­o­soph­i­cal fol­low­ers in a fall­en world. Im­ag­ine your­self for a mo­ment: you’re in a run­ning gun bat­tle try­ing to reach the hel­i­cop­ter ex­trac­tion zone, hun­dreds of yards away. You’re be­ing pur­sued by an­gry war­ri­ors of sim­i­lar skill, armed with se­ri­ous au­to­mat­ic weap­ons. Your team­mate is a fe­male and you’re both in Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions. You are sud­den­ly wound­ed and un­a­ble to run or walk. You weigh 185 pounds and she weighs 140. The only way you’ll both sur­vive is if she car­ries you that last two hun­dred yards, while fir­ing her weap­on ef­fec­tive­ly. Your weight is in ad­di­tion to the sev­en­ty pounds of gear al­ready strapped to her body. You’re prob­a­bly both go­ing to die. It’s just phys­ics, not pol­i­tics.

Wom­en are tuned for sur­viv­al and se­cu­ri­ty but with a to­tal­ly dif­fer­ent ap­proach than men. How­ev­er, the goal of their kind of se­cu­ri­ty is not the most val­u­a­ble trait for keep­ing the fam­i­ly free from dom­i­na­tion, de­struc­tion, or slav­ery by out­side forces. The in­born traits of the Al­pha Male are much bet­ter suit­ed for pro­vid­ing and main­tain­ing that free­dom in a some­times vi­o­lent world. It isn’t a val­ue judg­ment. It doesn’t mean he is a su­pe­ri­or cre­a­tion for hav­ing that re­sponse built into his DNA. It just means he’s not a girl. They re­al­ly are dif­fer­ent

and eve­ry day I’m glad for that.

What a wom­an is ge­net­i­cal­ly wired to seek from a man – just like a mag­net to steel – is re­la­tion­ship, pro­vi­sion, and pro­tec­tion. Love com­bined with re­spect is the glue that holds that re­la­tion­ship to­geth­er. Wom­en – much more of­ten than men – may use a “love” re­la­tion­ship or ac­cel­er­at­ed mar­riage as a means to es­cape a bad home sit­u­a­tion. Es­cape from an un­de­sir­a­ble liv­ing sit­u­a­tion is all too of­ten the mech­a­nism that pro­motes a re­la­tion­ship be­tween a male and fe­male. Both men and wom­en are all too ca­pa­ble of us­ing that im­ag­i­nary way out. But, it is a bad choice. If he’s NOT the Al­pha Male and the as­sur­ance of pro­vi­sion and pro­tec­tion are not there, de­fended by re­spect and love, then the fe­male is made to feel that no one has her back and she’s still look­ing for the real Al­pha Male. She is al­most cold­ly prac­ti­cal about the role of the Al­pha Male – usu­al­ly more so than the Al­pha Male, him­self. But, she is far more like­ly to tol­er­ate an Al­pha Male in a re­la­tion­ship with­out love than she will a “love” re­la­tion­ship with some­one who is not re­al­ly a true Al­pha Male.

In speak­ing of Abra­ham’s wife, Sa­rah, we’re told that:


You are her daugh­ters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear (1 Pe­ter 3:6).


Fear of what? Fear of the loss of pro­vi­sion and pro­tec­tion. That threat of loss may not be hap­pen­ing now, when it’s a sun­ny day, and the winds and sea are calm. But, it can hap­pen on that bad day that seems bound to come around more than once in life.

Self-Worth – or – Who’s Your Daddy?

The Al­pha Male lives in free­dom and se­cu­ri­ty – he is se­cure in who he is, in who God is, and what his re­la­tion­ship is to God. The Al­pha Male is se­cure be­cause God is se­cure. The Al­pha Male’s Dad­dy is se­cure.

In the Bi­ble we see:


Hus­bands love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave him­self up for her… (Ephe­sians 5:25).


Why was Christ giv­ing him­self up for the Church? He was do­ing that for its pro­vi­sion and its pro­tec­tion – he was will­ing to – and did – die for it. His pro­vi­sion was sal­va­tion and heal­ing through His eter­nal sac­ri­fice that brings for­give­ness through re­pent­ance. Christ’s pro­tec­tion was in send­ing the Holy Spir­it as our com­pan­ion – that still, small voice that we need to be hear­ing so of­ten – the awe­some voice of God. Eve­ry time we cel­e­brate the Lord’s Sup­per we openly ac­knowl­edge that pro­vi­sion and pro­tec­tion. The wife needs to know that the

hus­band’s com­mit­ment to her is so strong that he would die to in­sure that her pro­vi­sion and pro­tec­tion would en­dure – just as Je­sus did.


Je­sus is the ul­ti­mate Al­pha Male.

I rec­om­mend that you meas­ure your­self against Je­sus, the earth­ly im­age of the Fa­ther in Heav­en, “in whom there is no shad­ow of turn­ing.” He loves you so much. He wants you to know who your Dad­dy is. Re­call, if you can, lyr­ics from an old Bob Dyl­an tune, “you’re gon­na serve some­body.” In life, there are two choices; serve God, or re­ject Him and serve the dark forces of evil, even if you don’t know you’re do­ing that. You will ul­ti­mate­ly do one or the oth­er, wheth­er you like it or not. All the athe­ists I’ve ever met wor­ship and serve them­selves, think­ing that there re­al­ly couldn’t be an­y­one smarter or more so­phis­ti­cat­ed than they are. Un­wit­ting­ly, they have joined Sa­tan in his dec­la­ra­tion that:


I will as­cend into heav­en, I will ex­alt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the con­gre­ga­tion, in the sides of the north: I will as­cend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High (Isa­iah 14:12).


Per­haps with­out ful­ly re­al­iz­ing it, those poor mis­guid­ed souls who have re­jected God have joined their hope with that of Sa­tan – that if they wish, plot and plan thor­ough­ly enough, they will re­place God with them­selves. This is a very bad choice. You won’t make a very good god on your own. So, that should set­tle one mat­ter – who you’re go­ing to serve in life. The oth­er is wheth­er or not you’ll en­joy it, both now and lat­er.

Tru­ly de­cid­ing to serve God leads to un­cork­ing that deep-seated need to get to know Him, bet­ter. That deep-seated need is al­ready there, you just might not have fig­ured out what it’s about. Along the way, man dis­cov­ers wom­an, also. That be­comes an­oth­er deep-seated need that needs a lot of un­der­stand­ing. Let’s start find­ing out more about both.

Chapter 3 – Modern Woman

The Destruction of Modern Woman

“Choice.” It’s a big word. When Cain slew Abel it was “choice.” It was an aw­ful and per­ma­nent­ly de­struc­tive choice. That choice was so bad that Cain told God that, “My guilt is too great to bear.” In many trans­la­tions it says, “My pun­ish­ment…” but the orig­i­nal He­brew – avon – is bet­ter translated as “guilt.” His sin of purposefully tak­ing his broth­er’s life in his mo­ment of an­ger was so in­tol­er­a­ble and un­ac­cep­ta­ble to the rest of God’s Cre­a­tion that he feared for his life. God placed on him a “mark” so that an­y­one who thought to take venge­ance on him for his aw­ful crime would know that Cain was not to be touched.

The “Mod­ern World” would like for you to ap­proach the mur­der of your un­born child as a very whole­some lifestyle choice. This im­ag­i­nary world ap­proves of abort­ing one’s child, if for no oth­er rea­son than to cel­e­brate one’s “mas­tery” of them­selves – a show of in­de­pend­ence. But, what an aw­ful place to be, for a wom­an who has com­mit­ted such a griev­ous sin – a sin so great that it is specifically called out in the Ten Commandments – “Thou shall not mur­der.” Yet, here she is, mur­der­ing her own off­spring in the name of con­ven­i­ence and a pseu­do-spir­it­u­al state­ment of her pow­er and au­thor­i­ty; the same off­spring that is so strongly em­bed­ded in her DNA to pro­tect at any cost. With her child dead, she finds her­self great­ly wound­ed, with her guilt “too great to bear.” She will now urgently pur­sue an emo­tion­al de­fense for com­mit­ting this griev­ous act and is re­warded with mod­ern cul­ture’s warm, pro­tec­tive em­brace that she’s just ex­er­cis­ing her “rights” as a real wom­an. She should be proud. What a stag­ger­ing con­trast and shift of val­ues – from mur­der­er to cul­tur­al role mod­el.

Count­less wom­en have found them­selves in years of coun­sel­ing, seek­ing re­lief from the aw­ful guilt of hav­ing had an abor­tion. Some of them bury the guilt so deep­ly that their crumbling lives don’t even re­mem­ber the rea­son for their self-ha­tred. It’s both startling and be­wil­der­ing to con­sid­er that wom­en can be con­vinced and be ac­ti­vat­ed to em­pa­thize with all sorts of bi­zarre “so­cial jus­tice” causes, but then not have enough em­pa­thy for their un­born child to spare its life. Mean­while, wom­en who have not had an abor­tion and prob­a­bly nev­er would are drawn in em­pa­thy to the side of their suf­fer­ing sis­ter. Their em­pa­thy for the suf­fer­ing sis­ter they can see over­rides the em­pa­thy for the dead child, whom they can­not see. [End of Sam‍ple]

The Alpha Male John H. Ingle